Kanto Fiaferana

Kanto Fiaferana

Graduate in social sciences and quantitative methods

About Me

I am an overly curious postgraduate student in Quantified Social Sciences. I enjoy learning new tools and ways of sharing beautiful content, to help myself and others better understand things. With these traits in mind, I built a website with bookdown, reporting all the different data analysis methods I learned during my postgraduate degree.

I love experimenting with R and RMarkdown, I am always on the lookout for new packages to play with, hence I cannot stop building new projects. This website is my latest creation, and with it, I aim to:

  • Post content about data analysis and about content creation with R – with the exceptional personal article – in English as well as in French,
  • Experiment with the layout and write about it. Hence,
  • Learn HTML and CSS in the process of further customising a talking toucan!

Thank you very much for reading, I hope you enjoy this as much as I do!

  • Tinkering with R
  • Data analysis
  • Rugby
  • Sewing and weaving
  • Tattoos
  • Reality TV
  • Master Quantifier en Sciences Sociales, 2019 - 2021

    Université PSL (ENS & EHESS)

  • B.A Politics, International Studies & Quantitative Methods, 2016 - 2019

    University of Warwick






Sense of direction
